Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Real Estate Investing Strategies - entry 7

Oh my! Make ready for an investment property. We want it to be nice so the tenant will be happy, stay longer and complain less when we raise the rent next year. The house cleaner has been working on cleaning for two days because there was so much grime. She actually had to remove the light fixtures from the ceiling fan and soap them in Krud Kutter. If you have never heard of Krud Kutter, pick up a bottle at your Home Depot. It's hands down the best product to clean grease off anything.

Most of the tile is in and the plumber came to relocate the shower drain, control and head so that we could turn the crummy tub into a walk-in shower. He ran into some difficulty I didn't understand when a worn out part broke off while removing it. Hopefully, he'll be back this evening to finish up.

Once it's all done, I'll post photos. This morning, I picked out the tile for the shower and found I can pay for it and leave it for the contractor to pick up so my husband and I don't have to transport it. We are doing everything on the cheap by purchasing materials on our own but still want it to be nice. ranked Austin Ranked Among Best Cities to Relocate
“Austin was ranked the third best city to move to in the United States, according to a report. The relocating resources website listed Austin just behind Huntsville, Ala. and Washington D.C. for overall best place to move.” - Austin American-Statesman

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