Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Going Green

Americans are! In the last year many Americans participated in energy-saving activities and here are a few examples:

63% installed more energy-efficient light bulbs

36% purchased energy-efficient appliances

46% started paying bills on-line

40% changed to paperless financial statements

41% donated an electronic devise for recycling

29% switched back from bottled water to tap

14% made home improvements that provided government tax credits

13% bought a more fuel efficient car

Source: Harris Interactive

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Apply Your Tax Credit to Your 2009 Taxes on Your 2010 Purchase

Yes! You can buy today and apply the tax credit to your 2009 taxes and get a faster return on your initiative.

The deadline for purchasing a home and receiving a tax credit is to have purchased between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010 or have a legally binding contract by April 30 and close no later than July 1, 2010.

To apply to your 2009 taxes you must fill out form 5405 to determine the amount of your available credit, apply the credit when you file your 2009 tax return and attach the documentation of your purchase (the settlement statement -HUD.)

Remember, you must live in your home for 3 years or more to avoid having to pay back the tax credit.

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Great Homeowner Information

HouseLogic is a new consumer Web site launched by the National Association of REALTORS to act as a valuable resource for homeowners interested in information on home improvement, maintenance, taxes, finance insurance and the real estate market. All things a homeowner or home buyer would need.

If you are interested in buying or selling a home in the Austin area, I would love to be of assistance to you. Please call or email me 512.589.7988 or

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Search for homes through Austin MLS
Find your home's value
Buying or selling? Hire an experienced professional. Call Robin Scott, Broker at 512.589.7988.

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Another Successful Closing - Congratulations Jennifer and Jonathan!

My first closing as and Independent Broker. How exciting! It was touch an go for a few weeks because as often happens, there was a problem. I've learned from experience that it usually works out so when the title company called I was prepared to be optimistic.

I was representing the buyer and the problem was the sellers ex-husband. Although the divorce decree had deeded the home to the wife, there was a clause providing that the proceeds would be split between the two of them. Since there were no proceeds and the seller (wife) was going to bring money to closing, the title company had a disclosure for the ex-husband to sign informing him that there were no proceeds.

He was refusing to sign the disclosure and wanted the sale of "his home" stopped. Well, of course it wasn't his home but he was very angry over the divorce.

My buyers were advised of the situation and although I suggested they may want to get an attorney, I told them I felt confident he would sign at the last minute and he did. I think he was trying to bring as much misery to the seller (wife) as possible but the mortgage was still in his name and he had something to lose if the sale didn't go through like his credit when she stopped making payments and the house was foreclosed on.

The good news was that he FAXed a signed disclosure after 6 on the day before our closing.

Congratulations to Jennifer and Jonathan!

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Find the Right REALTOR

When my sellers decided to relocate from Austin, Texas to Denver, Colorado I looked to Active Rain for help finding a suitable REALTOR to refer them to.

I chose Joan Cox with Metro Brokers because she seemed knowledgeable, personable, she had great credentials and she was a member of the Active Rain community. After reading Joan's blogs and talking to her on the phone, I felt great about sending my sellers/buyers to her. She waited patiently while we listed and sold Peter and Meghann's home in Austin and worked with them to find something in the greater Denver area. Now they are under contract for a purchase.

Thank you Joan and thank you Active Rain.

Wherever you are moving to or from, I can find a great REALTOR for you. Just call or email and let's talk about what you need. 512.589.7988 or

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Search for homes through Austin MLS
Find your home's value
Buying or selling? Hire an experienced professional. Call Robin Scott, Broker at 512.589.7988.

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Robin Scott, REALTOR®

2010! I'm starting the new year off with a BANG. Introducing my independent brokerage - Robin Scott, REALTOR.

Robin Scott, REALTOR

Best wishes and Happy New Year to all. Here's to a successful 2010 for everyone.
Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

Search for homes through Austin MLS
Find your home's value
Buying or selling? Hire an experienced professional. Call Robin Scott, Broker at 512.589.7988.

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