Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Just Fired a Buyer

Many consumers don't seem to understand that REALTORS are not non-profit organizations and some I've encountered actually believe REALTORS get paid through the company they work for with a salary. No so. We don't get paid to tour, we get paid to close transactions. Hey consumers, would you work for free?

Over the years I've had clients tour so many homes I've wondered if they were ever going to buy and at some point a REALTOR must decide if it's best to cut your loses and terminate the client relationship or keep showing property and hope they will eventually close a transaction.

Because of my many years experience, I sometimes get an intuitive feeling that a buyer can't make a commitment and won't make a cammitment. That doesn't mean that 5 years down the road they won't buy, but the diminishing return on investment of time and expenses is not acceptable.

One hundred homes are too many showings. So, I just terminated a buyer relationship. He felt justified in looking at so many homes and I felt justified in letting him go. I hated to do it because you don't want to create any bad feelings and always wonder if that was the right decision but I'll get over that and a sense of relief will creep in when he is replaced with a committed buyer and that appointment is this afternoon.

Best of luck to terminated buyer and the REALTOR who replaces me. I must move on to a profitable relationship.

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

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