Friday, August 22, 2008


I'm often asked about the insects in the Austin area. Yes, we have them. Some are good some are annoying. Here is the breakdown, in my opinion, of what homeowners need to know about:

1. Termites. It's not so serious you have to tent your house. I'm not a pest control expert but I've been told by them that they're subterranean and can be easily treated by a licensed pest control company. When you buy a home in Austin, ask your home inspector about a termite inspection. It's about $75 and well worth it. If the home does have termites, you can use the report to negotiate for the seller having it treated.

2. Fire Ants. These little devils have a painful bite and then the area will itch like crazy for days. They also will interfere with electrical wiring at AC systems. The best way I have heard to treat them is with a product called Amdro which the soldier ants feed to the queen and it will sterilize her.

3. Roaches. The really large kind are often called water bugs. They don't live in the house but come in looking for water especially during a drought. They live in trees and ground cover outside. We had our house treated before we moved in so now even though they do come in, we usually find them dead.

4. Carpenter Ants. These are also wood destroying insects. I don't know how prolific they are but we have a problem with them. I usually find evidence on the livingroom window sill in the form of fine saw dust. I can't explain that but no worries. I just call pest control and they treat the tree near that window where apparently they like to live and all around the exterior of the window. They show up every 2 or 3 years.

5. Silverfish.Yes. These insects will eat holes in your clothes. They like old books, magazines and the paper on the insulation in your attic. If you see them call pest control.

6. Chinch Bugs. They are in the lawn and during the summer will leave round, dead spaces in your lawn. Not everyone gets them but if you have a circular dead spot in your grass, treat for Chinch Bugs.

7. Scorpions. Buyer's are terrified of these and have heard horror stories. Yes, we have Scorpions in Texas but I've lived in Texas my whole life and never seen one.

If you'd like a referral to a pest control company in Austin, contact me at or 512.589.7988.

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