Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Is the Survey for a House?

The survey is the document that defines the property and shows the parameters of the lot, where the house sits on the lot, where the building setback lines are, the utility easements and fences. A survey is created by a licensed surveyor and is very precise. The title company uses it to determine if there are any encroachments.

At one time, Texas law didn't allow surveys to be reused but that has changed. Since it's usually a buyers expense and it costs about $450, the buyer will probably ask the seller to provide the existing survey for title company review. If there have not been changes like adding a pool or moving the fence line, the title company will usually accept it but requires the seller to sign an affidavit that there have not been changes to the property that would effect the survey.

In short, if you are selling your house, locate the survey. The buyer will want it. If you can't find it you may contact the title company where you closed and ask them for a copy. If you are the buyer, be sure to ask the seller for the survey because it can save you some money.

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