Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Being Appreciated and Appreciating in Return

Often we encounter those who don't recognize the value a professional REALTOR brings like the for-sale-by-owner I dropped in on yesterday. But, I have a buyer client who appreciates my value so much that she checks with me about all decisions and where some new home buyers don't even let me know when there is a final walk-thru of the property, this client wants to make sure I can be there.

Through my professional abilities and experience I was able to negotiate a favorable price for the house, support the buyer in upgrade and design decisions, explain the credits and debits and find and have corrected an error on the part of the builder, provide vendor information and connect the buyer with others in her community.

 It's great to be appreciated and that's what will bring referrals.

I appreciate my client too. Tomorrow I'm taking her to lunch.

And, I want to be your REALTOR®! If there is any information you would like regarding relocating to the Austin area, let me know. You can contact me at, 512.589.7988 or just comment on this blog entry.

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