Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Using QR Code in Real Estate

Every day I see an article about QR codes and the little black and white images are starting to show up everywhere but who is scanning them. I'm not interested in accessing information that way but I figured I'm just out of that tech loop so I asked my 25 year old; thinking she might have some insight. Her response was "just ignore them because no one is interested." So now I'm confused. If older people aren't scanning QR codes and younger people aren't scanning QR codes, then who is. Is it a useless technology? Is it something that was invented and everyone jumped on the marketing bandwagon but no one is actually taking advantage of the scan?

Sure you may be marketing with QR codes but do you access data that way? I'd love some insight. Would you like to see QR codes on my blog or Web site?

I want to be your REALTOR. If you are thinking of selling a house, give me a call. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the seller's disclosure or other matters involving selling a home. 512. 589.7988.

If you are interested in finding out more about Austin, living in Austin, real estate or buying or selling a home in Austin, I want to be your REALTOR. And I appreciate your referrals as well. Call or email to find out how I can help you. 512.589.7988 or robin

Austin, Texas Homes for Sale. Robin Scott, BROKER Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

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