Monday, June 20, 2011

Protect Your Money - Protest Property Taxes

If you haven't sent in your property tax protest form for this year, it's too late. But it's your money and you need to protect it.

Every year, the tax appraiser sends out an appraised value for your property. You may return the enclosed form protesting the assigned value. In the Austin area that happens in April. You have a deadline in which to return the protest form and then you are assigned an appointment time for an informal hearing with a county tax appraiser. If you are not satisfied with the results from the informal meeting, you then proceed to a formal hearing of a review board.

Even if they have lowered my appraised value, I still research to see if the value can be lowered further. I own and manage a number of properties so it's work but it's rewarding when you are successful in getting the valued lowered, thereby lowering your property taxes.

This morning at an informal hearing, I protested a property tax value. The county appraisal district had raised my property value. I was able to successfully argue a value lower than the previous year.

If you have applied for a protest, best of luck to you in getting your tax value lowered. If you missed the deadline this year, be sure to investigate the opportunity next year.

I want to be your REALTOR. If you are thinking of selling a house, give me a call. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the seller's disclosure or other matters involving selling a home. 512. 589.7988.

If you are interested in finding out more about Austin, living in Austin, real estate or buying or selling a home in Austin, I want to be your REALTOR. And I appreciate your referrals as well. Call or email to find out how I can help you. 512.589.7988 or robin

Austin, Texas Homes for Sale. Robin Scott, BROKER Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.

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