Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tips for Selling a House - Most Important Staging Tip

There are many articles about how to stage a home to sell and I've written a lot of them myself but there is one that stands out more than any other and yet it's seldom on the top 10 list. CLEAN, CLEAN CLEAN!!!
Many features fall under this category but having a clean house makes the most difference of any. Many buyers can't imagine living in a dirty home or cleaning it or thinking it can be cleaned enough for them to live in. Over my 12 years in real estate, I've shown a lot of houses and there is always a good response about a clean house and and a bad one of a dirty house.
Cleaning includes other things you will see on the top 10 list like these important 5:

1. Decluttering. It's easier to maintain a showing quality clean house if you have less to dust and vacuum around. You have to pack it up to move so pack it up now and make it easier to keep the house clean.
2. Create curb appeal. Clean up the yard by mowing, edging, trimming shrubs and trees.
3. Remove odors. With cleaned carpets, floors, drapes and bathrooms, your home will have a fresher sent.
4. Painting. A fresh coat of interior paint removes marks and dirt on the walls that you have learned to overlook. Yes, it's normal wear and tear and just the thing that makes a house look tired and dirty. Paint is easy and inexpensive so freshen your house with paint.
5. Clean out the garage! Many sellers remove their clutter to the garage but that doesn't help. Rent a storage space because men in particular like to know that they can get their car or workshop into the garage and they can't tell if the garage is filled with boxes and old furniture.

Winchester in Bastrop
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