Saturday, July 23, 2011

Leasing in Austin

Warn those you know who are looking for a lease online that there is a lot of fraud out there.

Today a REALTOR called to ask me about a home his client was interested it that I had listed for lease last month. Tracing the links lead him to someone in the UK who had it posted for lease. He looked on MLS and found me whom he thought could notify the current tenants and/or owners that something was wrong and he also emailed the Web site on which it was posted to let them know. Thank you Don.

Actually, the tenants had complained to me that they were having a problem with people ringing their doorbell and asking about leasing the house. A Google search showed an number of ads that were illegitimate.

If you are posting leases on line, Google the address periodically so you can monitor the fraudulent ads and get them removed.

When shopping for a home to lease, be careful and make sure the party you are contacting is the party who has the authority to lease the house. My guess is the scam involves the lessee providing a deposit. Which reminds me of a story from about 12 years ago when my daughter was in college in Denton and trying to lease an apartment. She and her roommate turned over a cash deposit to a man who met them at the property and showed it to them. The proper leasing office had no idea who he was. Lesson learned. A legitimate party will have a lease application, be in a leasing office, have a business card or be the rightful owner and you can look online at tax records to confirm that.
For help finding a home or apartment to lease in the Austin area, call Elle Scott, REALTOR at 512.619.2598. There is no fee for a REALTOR to assist you.

I want to be your REALTOR. If you are thinking of selling a house, give me a call. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the seller's disclosure or other matters involving selling a home. 512. 589.7988.

If you are interested in finding out more about Austin, living in Austin, real estate or buying or selling a home in Austin, I want to be your REALTOR. And I appreciate your referrals as well. Call or email to find out how I can help you. 512.589.7988 or robin

Austin, Texas. Robin Scott, BROKER. Certified Residential Specialist, Accredited Buyer's Representative, Seller's Representative Specialist. 512.589.7988.
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