Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shooting for the Moon - Placing the US Flag on the Moon

Planting the US Flag on the Moon - That's Some Real Estate!

It's the 40th anniversary of Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon. Do you remember where you were? Many of you may not have been a conception but I remember that afternoon very clearly as the astronaut Neil Armstrong planted the United States flag firmly in the soil of the MOON.

I was sitting in my grandmothers den watching the event unfold on the evening news ( live TV had not been introduced at that time) and annoyed that my friend was late picking me up. It was the summer before my senior year in highschool and my parents had moved to Houston. I was angry that I would miss my senior year with the friends I had known all my life and asked to stay with my grandparents for the summer. That evening I had been invited to a slumber party and couldn't have cared less about the historic event unfolding on the TV and yet I remember it all very clearly.

Several years ago I was privileged to hear Neil Armstrong speak. It was at a Brian Buffini event in Las Vegas. Were you there? Five thousand REALTORS were. The entire event was a great experience and my first time to Las Vegas which was spectacular fun but I went just to hear Neil Armstrong. This time I was prepared to pay attention. Apparently he didn't do public speaking until that time when Brian Buffini convinced him to. He seemed an incredibly humble man for someone who was a space pioneer and it was well worth the trip to see him and hear him speak. Did you know that Apollo 11 went to the moon and back with a 65k computer! That's all!

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